Martina Kušnírová in absence

Martina Kušnírová in absence

All Slovak media reported on the murder of investigative journalist Ján Kuciak and his fiancée Martina Kušnírová and have continuously brought updates on the case, thus revealing the journalistic work of Ján Kuciak be its motive. The Slovak public has learnt a lot about the cases covered by the journalist. Regarding Martina Kušnírová, we learnt she was an archaeologist, and got news about their planned wedding and her being buried in her wedding dress. The lesser attention paid to her has been counterbalanced by the major media presence of her Mum, Zlatica Kušnírová, who is usually the one informing the public of serious findings by investigators. While media informed about the case as such, artists have paid tribute to the couple and focus on criticizing those responsible for this tragedy and the state of Slovak society.

In Absentia for Martina Kušnírová Máte problém s prehrávaním? Nahláste nám chybu v prehrávači.

Martina Šimkovičová, Photo: TASR

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