“State capture” in Slovak cinemas

“State capture” in Slovak cinemas

The Slovak documentarist Zuzana Piussi premiered her film "State capture" at the beginning of the One world festival. The document reveals the way in which information is bargained with in Slovakia. Piussi offers the results of her two years of ongoing research featuring interviews with alleged ex Secret Service agents, a conspiracy journalist as well as colleagues of the slated investigative journalist Ján Kuciak. The director explains links between the now imprisoned controversial entrepreneur Marián Kočner, ex-Prime Minister Robert Fico and tycoon Jaroslav Haščák. Shortly after the premiere, Zuzana Piussi was accused by some viewers of using banned footage from a trial exposing the faces of judges of the Specialised Criminal Court. The producers of the film stated that they would withdraw this version of the film from distribution and replace it with one where the judges' faces are blurred. Zuzana Piussi finds the accusations to be purpose-built in order to stop the distribution of the film.

Martina Šimkovičová, Photo: Wikimedia/Ryan Baxter

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