Young Slovaks skeptical about immigrants’ contribution to society

Young Slovaks skeptical about immigrants’ contribution to society

Around 61 percent of young Slovaks think that corruption is a serious problem for Slovakia, according to a survey based on face to face interviews with Slovaks aged 16 to 29 in Bratislava, Banská Bystrica and Trenčin which was released last week by the Institute for Public Affairs - a think tank based in Bratislava. Almost half of the respondents were very concerned about rising prices and the cost of living with those with vocational training placing it at the top of the list of their worries. Terrorism ranked third - higher that the state of healthcare- and immigration is a much more serious problem for young Slovaks than crime, climate change or the quality of Slovakia's education system. Actually 82 percent of young Slovaks do not think that immigrants make a positive contribution to Slovak society and this negative attitude does not differ based on education, age or gender. Anca Dragu discussed the findings of this study with one of the authors, sociologist Oľga Gyárfášova from the Institute for Public Affairs.

Young Slovaks and their worries Máte problém s prehrávaním? Nahláste nám chybu v prehrávači.

Anca Dragu, Photo: TASR

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