Fico in support of Rome Declaration

Fico in support of Rome Declaration

Prime Minister Robert Fico will lead the Slovak delegation at the Rome summit slated to take place on March 25. The event is expected to culminate in a process of reflection on the future of the EU, set in motion at the Bratislava summit last September. It will be convened on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the signature of the Treaty of Rome. Prior to the meeting, Robert Fico reacted to Poland's intentions not to sign the final resolution from the upcoming EU summit in Rome if it lacks clauses seen as essential by Warsaw. "It's assumed that all of us will sign the Rome Declaration," claimed the prime minister, adding that it is predominantly Greece that worries him. Athens has an issue with the wording of the Declaration regarding social aspects.

Martina Šimkovičová, Photo: AP/TASR

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