Ombudswoman: freedom of speech is a basic principle of democracy

Ombudswoman: freedom of speech is a basic principle of democracy

"Freedom of speech and the right to information are among the basic principles of democracy. Without the free work of journalists, a democratic society or a rule of law cannot exist," said Slovak Ombudswoman Mária Patakyová on the occasion of World Press Freedom Day, which is May 3rd. She added that in order to protect fundamental human rights it is necessary to pay more attention to the safety and security of journalists. Meanwhile a group of actors and about 190 journalists from a variety of media outlets marked the day by expressing support for journalists of the public broadcaster RTVS, which is the mother company of Radio Slovakia International. A series of resignations and dismissals have taken place in recent weeks following disagreements between journalists and part of the management. On Wednesday a spokesperson for RTVS Erika Rusnáková said that the broadcaster has a legally elected general manager and an appointed management that works for the benefit of the public.

Ina Sečíková, Photo: TASR

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