EU borders and border security remain hot topics even after Salzburg Summit

EU borders and border security remain hot topics even after Salzburg Summit

The future border regime between Ireland and Northern Ireland remains a major point of contention in the negotiations between the UK and European Union even after the informal EU Summit. This took place in Salzburg, Austria, on Wednesday. The British PM Theresa May addressed a plea to the EU leaders to change their stance on Brexit talks in order to reach a good deal. However, according to the Slovak PM Peter Pellegrini, the negotiations, especially in connection to the border regime, have not made significant progress. Border security and the Frontex system were the main agenda of the Slovak representation at the summit. Their stance is that despite security being crucial, the Frontex agency should not replace the sovereignty of individual countries, but serve only as an additional solution.

Zuzana Botiková, Photo: AP/TASR

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