Average Slovak spent €864 on food and drink in 2017

Average Slovak spent €864 on food and drink in 2017

The average Slovak spent €864 on non-alcoholic beverages and food last year, with food comprising €784 and the remaining €80 being spent on non-alcoholic beverages. This information stems from Slovak Farming Collective (SFD) analyst Eva Sadovská, who informed TASR on Thursday. Sadovská added that purchases of food on average made up more than a fifth of total Slovak consumer expenditure last year. Regarding types of food, Slovaks spent the highest amount of money on meat (€212), followed by milk, cheese and eggs (€146) and bread and cereals (€141). "Last year we spent around the same amount of money on sweets as we did on fruit - around €60 per capita," said Sadovská.

Gavin Shoebridge, Photo: RSI

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