Europe's future discussed in Davos

Europe's future discussed in Davos

One of the key topics discussed at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland on Wednesday was a so-called New Manifesto for Europe. When presenting on this topic, Slovak Foreign Minister Miroslav Lajčák stressed that it was essential to define what kind of Europe we really want. "It is right to be ambitious, but we must also be realistic, as Europe cannot be a leader in all aspects. So we have to focus on what we want to achieve within our continent," said the head of Slovak diplomacy. Lajčák went on to say that the EU-member states had built the Union on the principle of four freedoms (free movement of goods, services, capital and persons), but some of the freedoms had recently been failing. "Many people are supporting populists, not because they have a better program but because the people's Union is quarrelling about Brexit or is dealing with petty issues," said Lajčák.

Zuzana Botiková, Photo:

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