Sparks na slovensku: Citizen science on display

Sparks na slovensku: Citizen science on display

Science isn't just for scientists; regular folk can play crucial roles in research & healthcare too. This is what the Sparks na slovensku (Sparks in Slovakia) exhibition is trying to prove in an effort to demonstrate the importance of teaching science from an early age. From hacking diabetes equipment to combatting Parkinson's Disease, normal people are regularly coming up with creative solutions and research in their own homes. Gavin Shoebridge visited the DIY science exhibition at Bratislava's Comenius University to find out more, speaking to Kristina Jenčikova, Senior Consultant from Neulogy.

Sparks na slovensku Máte problém s prehrávaním? Nahláste nám chybu v prehrávači.

Gavin Shoebridge, Photo: Gavin Shoebridge

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