Video: Learn Slovak 9: Travelling

Video: Learn Slovak 9: Travelling

Let’s travel around Slovakia – in Slovak!


Travelling - cestovanie

To travel - cestovať

Road / journey - cesta

Traveller – cestovateľ (male) / cestovateľka (female)

Tourist – turista (male) / turistka (female)              


Do you like to travel  –  Rád cestuješ? (asking a male) / Rada cestuješ? (asking a female)


  • Means of travelling:


Airplane - Lietadlo

Bus - Autobus

Car - Auto

Train - Vlak

Tram - Električka

Trolley bus - Trolejbus

Motorbike - Motorka

Bicycle - Bicykel

Taxi – Taxík / Taxi

Boat - Loď

On foot  - pešo / peši.  / Idem pešo (I am going on foot)


How do you like to travel the best? -            Ako najradšej cestuješ?


  • Stations / places to travel from and to:

Station – Stanica

Airport - Letisko

Bus station - Autobusová stanica

Railway station - Železničná stanica


Ticket - Lístok

Plane ticket - Letenka

Passport - Pas

Identity card - Občiansky preukaz

Card - Preukaz

Insurance - Poistenie 


Luggage - Batožina

Reservation - Rezervácia


One way ticket – Jednosmerný (lístok)

Return ticket - Obojsmerný (lístok)


Arrival - Príchod / Prílet (for plane)

Departure - Odchod / Odlet (for plane)


Enjoy your travels around Slovakia!

Katarína Richterová

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