Who cheers for Team Europe?

Who cheers for Team Europe?

Let's go now to Toronto, Canada, where the 2016 World Cup of Hockey is taking place. Even though Slovakia doesn't have its own national team in the competition, six of Slovak players star within the so called Team Europe. If you wonder, who is actually supporting Team Europe, our colleague Zuzana Botiková will take us inside the stadium to look for the answer...

Who cheers for Team Europe Máte problém s prehrávaním? Nahláste nám chybu v prehrávači.


gaborik hokej svetovy pohar eu cesko_tasr_ap.jpg hokej svetovy pohar kanada_tasr_ap.jpg hokej svetovy pohar toronto_Zuzana Botikova.jpg
Zuzana Botíková, Photo: AP/TASR, Zuzana Botíková

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