Former secret agent Oskar Fegyveres spoke to prosecutors

Former secret agent Oskar Fegyveres spoke to prosecutors

On Thursday the Independent Dennik N daily reported on its website that the Prosecutor-General's Office had interrogated Oskar Fegyveres, the key witness in the kidnapping of former president's son Michal Kovac Jr. Prosecutor-General's Office spokesperson Andrea Predajňová confirmed this fact. In 1995, the former secret service member Oskar Fegyveres unintentionally took part in the abduction of president Kováč's son and subsequently testified to the police. Later, he fled abroad in secret. The Prosecutor-General's Office decided to invite him to Bratislava after the former Slovak Intelligence Service (SIS) member Ľuboš Kosík, who was a member of the kidnapping commando and is now imprisoned in Mali, began speaking about plans to kill Fegyveres. He also said that the abduction of Michal Kováč Jr. was conducted in the presence of members of the Slovak Intelligence Service led by then chief Ivan Lexa.

In 2015, Ľuboš Kosík was sentenced in Slovakia to 14 years in prison for forgery of a means of payment. He was imprisoned in Mali. Slovakia has, however, no agreement on the extradition of criminals with this African state. Interior Minister Róbert Kaliňák was allegedly supposed to meet his French counterpart on Thursday at the summit in Sofia to try trigger co-operation in the case of Kosík's extradition to Slovakia. Róbert Kaliňák said that "the French colleague was not present due to obligations in his home country. Next week, the Deputy Slovak Foreign Minister will be in Paris and I think we will try to move things on in this way, too." The Police corps president Tibor Gašpar is not sure that Slovakia will succeed in returning Kosík home as the Slovak police has not been successful in similar cases in the past.

Martina Šimkovičová, Photo: TASR

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