Slovak filmmakers in support of Oleg Sentsov

Slovak filmmakers in support of Oleg Sentsov

During the summer of 2018, Slovak filmmakers have been running several screenings of the Estonian-Polish-Czech documentary The Trial: The state of Russia vs Oleg Sentsov. This way they joined the European film Academy actions aimed at the immediate release of the Ukrainian citizen, a critic of the Russian annexation of Crimea and a significant film director Oleg Sentsov. In 2014, he was sentenced to 20 years in jail after having been accused of "crimes of a terrorist nature" in a military trial defined by Amnesty International as unfair. In May 2018, he started a hunger strike causing a wave of support not only among the European film elite.

Slovakia vs Case Sentsov Máte problém s prehrávaním? Nahláste nám chybu v prehrávači.

Martina Šimkovičová, Photo: AP/TASR

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