"Enslaved by beauty": Folk dance choreographer Juraj Kubánka

"Enslaved by beauty": Folk dance choreographer Juraj Kubánka

Juraj Kubánka was known as one of the fathers, eventually grandfathers of professional Slovak folk dancing. He first thought of studying medicine. He liked the idea of being able to help people, nonetheless, soon it turned out that his destiny would be to help people in a different way - through the beauty of dance. With Slovak folklore, Juraj Kubánka travelled to more than 60 countries around the world. From 1949 he worked at SĽUK - the Slovak State Traditional Dance Company as a choreographer, dancer and director. Even today, there are dancers that think of him as their mentor, even if symbolically.

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"Once someone falls in love with dance, he or she becomes addicted to beauty, enslaved to beauty. The paradox is, however, that even when one is a slave to beauty one feels free."

(Juraj Kubánka) 

Zuzana Botiková, foto: tasr, SĽUK

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