Analysts: Slovak industry already feeling deceleration

Analysts: Slovak industry already feeling deceleration

Slovak industry is already feeling the deceleration from Germany, but the new carmaker is keeping it above water, according to UniCredit Bank Czech Republic and Slovakia analyst L'ubomir Koršňak.

He adds that the year-on-year growth in industry in December was considerably unbalanced and concentrated almost exclusively in the automotive industry. However, some year-on-year growth was posted in a third of the branches of Slovak industry but taking into account their weight, their contribution was negligible, not exceeding 0.4 percentage points. Slovenská sporiteľňa bank analyst Katarina Muchová thinks the main driving force in December was automotive production that grew by 26.4 percent year-on-year. On the contrary, the most significant braking factor was metal processing, with a year-on-year drop of 10.5 percent.

Anca Dragu, Photo: TASR

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