Secret service: Original Gorilla tape does not exist

Secret service: Original Gorilla tape does not exist

The Head of the Slovak Intelligence Service (SIS) Anton Safarik stated on Thursday that the recently published recording related to the Gorilla case is set to be verified. As he explained, it has to be compared to the original 2005-2006 recording, which was destroyed in 2012 based on a court's ruling. Safarik stated that the investigation team needs to finish the investigation in order to prove the authenticity of the recording. He did not answer the question as to whether the veracity of the alleged recording can be verified if the original recording was destroyed, however, he noted that it remains to be seen. Among the voices captured on the recently leaked recording is allegedly financial group Penta co-owner Jaroslav Haščák. He, on Thursday, called on the law-enforcing authorities that investigate or oversee the Gorilla case to immediately publish the entire contents of the investigation files as well as all minutes, reports, expert analyses and other documentation concerning the case if the law allows it. The Gorilla case is a political corruption scandal named after a Slovak Secret Service wiretap file. On Wednesday morning, several media outlets in Slovakia received an email containing a link to a 39-hour-long recording that relates to the "Gorilla" case. It cannot be compared now to the transcript which was leaked to the media in 2011.

Martina Šimkovičová Foto: TASR

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