Wanted fraudster detained at psychiatric hospital in Prague

Wanted fraudster detained at psychiatric hospital in Prague

Jozef Majský, whose nine-year prison sentence for major fraud concerning non-banking institutions was upheld by the Slovak Supreme Court last week, and who was subsequently sought via an international warrant, has been found by the Czech police at a psychiatric hospital in Prague. The Slovak police reported on Monday that according to the attending physician, Majský is not capable of responsible action and therefore remains in hospital.

However, later on the same day, the Police Corps of the Slovak Republic reported on a social network that the Czech Police had detained Majský. “What will follow is fully the responsibility of the Czech authorities. Since the fact remains that he has not reported to prison based on an effective ruling, the Slovak police still have him registered as wanted,” advised the police. The trial with Majský had been dragging on since 2002.

Source: TASR

Zuzana Botiková; Romana Grajcarová Foto: TASR

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