Environment Ministry: Air pollution fines to increase

Environment Ministry: Air pollution fines to increase

Fines for air pollution are set to increase after more than 22 years, announced Environment Minister Ján Budaj (OĽANO) at a press conference on Tuesday. He believes that the new legislation could be adopted by the parliament in the spring. The increase in fines for air pollution is mostly aimed at businesses. According to Budaj, companies measure their emissions themselves and there is no central database collecting these data. Therefore, he says, the credibility of the data is debatable.

Budaj assumes that after the adoption of the proposed law some companies will transfer to more ecological production or will no longer be able to bear air pollution costs. Moreover, according to Budaj, the regular inspection of boilers should be introduced, not only in industry but also in households. "This should target other sources of pollution created by people who burn rubbish, rubber or plastics in their stoves," he said. The Ministry is also proposing a new air quality index, which will be adjusted for Slovak conditions. This should keep people up to date about air quality in the country.

Romana Grajcarová, Photo: TASR

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