Parliament protest heats up, police deploy riot unit

Parliament protest heats up, police deploy riot unit

The Parliament started discussing an amendment to the law on protection and development of public health on Friday, July 23rd. The law stipulates that the Public Health Authority should take digital COVID-19 vaccination certificates into consideration when drawing up anti-pandemic measures, meaning that people would have to present their digital pass upon entering various establishments. Hundreds of protesters gathered in front of the Parliament building on Friday. The protesters want the Government-sponsored amendment to be rejected by MPs, with the crowd chanting phrases such as "Gestapo", "treason" and "give the Parliament to us". Meanwhile, opposition MPs from the People's Party Our Slovakia (LSNS) and Smer-SD have appeared at the protest to support it. The Smer MP Ľuboš Blaha said that himself and the crowd will fight against "vaccination fascism" and the amendment.

Natália Grestyová, foto: tasr

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