Slovak hospices struggling financially and facing Closure

Slovak hospices struggling financially and facing Closure

Slovak hospices are facing closure due to financial difficulties, according to representatives from the Association of Hospice and Palliative Care (AHAPS) and hospice operators. They are calling for an increase in the reimbursement rate for care days to 230 euros and the removal of financial limits set by health insurance companies.

The president of AHAPS, Alena Kollárová, warned that without urgent action, hospices would be forced to shut down. Currently, health insurers cover only about 100 euros per patient per day, while actual operating costs are much higher. Hospice directors also highlighted issues such as insufficient funding, the limited number of palliative beds, and the failure of legislative funds to be disbursed.

Hospices have launched a fundraising campaign to raise at least 343,200 euros to support nine facilities on the brink of closure. The Health Care Supervisory Office has also pointed out flaws in the financing of long-term and palliative care, urging for change.

Source: TASR

Patrícia Polakovičová, Photo: TASR

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