Slovaks most troubled by inflation, economic situation and gov't debt

Slovaks most troubled by inflation, economic situation and gov't debt

The people of Slovakia are most troubled by three problems, namely inflation, the economic situation and government debt, these are followed by the situation in health care, CSOB analyst Marek Gabris stated in a commentary on the latest Eurobarometer survey, published earlier this week.

He specified that growing prices and the cost of living is the biggest problem for a significant portion of population - 47 percent. This is much higher than for any other problem. In second place is the economic situation, which was identified as one of the most important problems by 22 percent of the respondents. The government debt came third on 18 percent, closely followed by the situation in health care on 17 percent.

"The fact that inflation is the biggest problem can also be seen by comparing how we perceive it at home and the EU average. While up to 47 percent of the respondents identified it as a problem in Slovakia, the EU average was 33 percent. According to recently published Eurostat data, Slovakia had the fifth-highest inflation in the Eurozone in November," explained Gabris.

Source: TASR

Romana Grajcarová, Photo: TASR

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