Doctors’ demands remain unmet

Doctors’ demands remain unmet

Negotiations between Health Minister Kamil Šaško (Hlas-SD) and the Medical Trade Union (LOZ) failed to produce a resolution on Monday, December 16, with talks scheduled to resume Tuesday afternoon. Doctors have added a new demand—repealing recently signed legislation ensuring healthcare availability. On Monday, doctors escalated their protests by resigning from overtime shifts with nurses joining.  During a sectoral tripartite meeting, Slovak Hospital Association (ANS) president Marián Petko and healthcare union head Anton Szalay confirmed agreement on over half of Medical Trade Union’s demands but pay raises remain the problem. They also warn that patient care is at risk. The government, however, claims it has met most union demands, a statement Medical Trade Union argues about.

Source: TASR

Patrícia Polakovičová, Photo: TASR

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