Government approved valorisation of remuneration of convicts

Government approved valorisation of remuneration of convicts

Convicts will have their remuneration for work valorised. The adjustment of the amount of work tariffs is related to the increase in the minimum wage. This follows from the government regulation on the amount of work remuneration and the conditions of its provision to convicts, which was approved by the cabinet at Wednesday's meeting.

The adjusted amounts of labour tariffs for convicts assigned to work are established as the product of the previously valid labour tariffs and the coefficient of the minimum wage increase.

"The year-on-year increase in the minimum wage, on which the valorisation mechanism in question is based, is 1.09," explained the Ministry of Justice, which is the submitter of the regulation.

The approved regulation comes into force on 1 January 2025.

Source: TASR

Romana Grajcarová, Photo: TASR

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