Government agrees with Medical Union on reconciliation

Government agrees with Medical Union on reconciliation

At its meeting on Friday, the government approved an agreement with the doctors' union (LOZ) on the introduction of social reconciliation in the health sector. In the agreement, the government commits to meeting several demands of the health workers unions. It also commits both sides to further negotiations on contentious issues. The doctors' union is to ensure that doctors withdraw their resignations after signing the agreement.

The Government an extraordinary session was held on Friday noon.

Interior Minister Matus Sutaj Estok (Hlas-SD) confirmed earlier that day that the government session has been convened over the health-care crisis and expressed his believes that after this Friday session the government will have good news for Slovak citizens.

Source: Dennik N, TASR
Martina Šimkovičová-Greňová; photo: TASR

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