COVID-19 reveals bigger potential of Slovakia in clinical research

COVID-19 reveals bigger potential of Slovakia in clinical research

Each year, more than € 34 million are invested into clinical reaserch in Slovakia. The COVID-19 pandemic, however, has revealed that Slovakia has a bigger potential in this domain. According to Nora Farkašová from The Association of Innovative Pharmaceutical industry, the extraordinary conditions scientists now have to face have shown an increase in the need for digitalisation and innovative solutions when collecting and sharing data or while testing. „In the future, even clinical research can make better use of telemedicine or the concept of home health care", added Farkašová. The favourable epidemiological situation in Slovakia is another factor that could make Slovakia more attractive for potential clinical reaserch clients. Nevertheless, for this to happen, optimal conditions need to be created first.

Romana Grajcarová, photo: tasr

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