The ‘ethical hacker’ who found yet another NCZI data leak

The ‘ethical hacker’ who found yet another NCZI data leak

The 'ethical hackers' of Bratislava's IT security firm Nethemba have discovered a vulnerability in the government database storing Covid-related health information for Slovak citizens - in particular their vaccination records and connected certificates. As in previous such incidents, the compromised database is maintained by the Health Ministry's National Centre for Health Information (NCZI). Nethemba owner Pavol Luptak speaks with Jonathan about how he happened on the security flaw simply by using the online travel registration form e-Hranica, how he informed the relevant authorities so that they could repair the problem, and how NCZI - seemingly looking for a scapegoat, according to Pavol - has now decided to pursue a criminal complaint with Nethemba itself as the presumed target.

pavol luptak Máte problém s prehrávaním? Nahláste nám chybu v prehrávači.

Jonathan McCormick, Photo: TASR

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