POHODA 2019: Sudan Archives full of music

POHODA 2019: Sudan Archives full of music

Here's the brief recap of her story: Britney wants her Mom to call her Sudan. She starts being the musicologist of her own music archives. Loves playing the violin and learns to play it from the internet. Works odd jobs but makes music everyday. One day she becomes a star noted by the New York Times and the Guardian. On 13th July 2019, she plays at the Pohoda festival in Trenčín and RSI has the privilege to speak to her. Meet Sudan Archives.

POHODA 2019 Sudan Archives Máte problém s prehrávaním? Nahláste nám chybu v prehrávači.

Sudan Archives - Saturday - 13 July - Pohoda 2019 - Nada Koscikova---20190713-SG_03147_.jpg

Martina Šimkovičová Foto: Naďa Koščíková

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