Mission accomplished. On paper only.

Mission accomplished. On paper only.

Slovak public health authorities are eager to sign up for many international initiatives be it at the level of the European Union or World Health Organisation. Unfortunately they are not very active in trying to achieve the goals of all these policy frameworks too, meaning to achieve them in real life not on paper. Take the example of creating centres for integrated health services where people should receive help not only for their medical problem but also the social issues linked to it, all under one roof. Don't even bother asking Google to find them. Involving patients in decision-making in the sector and having a working information system, part of the Health 2020 framework are also just a dream. Why does Slovakia more often than not fail to respect its commitments in the healthcare area? And what happens when it does so? Anca Dragu discussed these issues with Darina Sedlakova the Head of the WHO office in Slovakia.

Health policies Máte problém s prehrávaním? Nahláste nám chybu v prehrávači.

Anca Dragu, Photo: Flickr.com/Anna

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