Prime Minister calls for cohesion, Parliamentary Chair reminds of elections

Prime Minister calls for cohesion, Parliamentary Chair reminds of elections

Slovak Prime Minister Peter Pellegrini (Smer-SD) in his speech on 1st January said that he wants Slovakia to see basic human decency, more peace than hatred, and cohesion, adding that these values, as well as democracy and stability, should be maintained in the coming year, including after the parliamentary election. The parliamentary Chair and head of the Slovak National Party (SNS) Andrej Danko sees the biggest challenge for Slovaks in 2020 in the upcoming general election and for a new government to be formed legitimately. Danko added that there are many "immature political parties" in Slovakia that are not able to hold their caucuses together, and therefore he sees 2020 as a year that will greatly test the political maturity of the Slovak nation.

Zuzana Botiková, Photo: TASR

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