Eight political parties embraced the Memorandum of Roma Living in Slovakia on Saturday, said Vanda Hlavačková of the Seesame agency. The list includes governing Most-Híd, and opposition parties Christian Democrats, Progressive Slovakia, Together-Civic Democracy, Freedom and Solidarity, Hungarian Coalition Party, For the People and 'Mayors and Independent Candidates'. Thus, the parties have committed themselves to promoting 12 demands that are aimed to bring effective systematic changes to the education, health care and social situation of Roma. Among the demands are the separation of the Government Proxy for Roma Communities from the Interior Ministry, support for the construction of social housing, the resolution of land ownership in Roma settlements and increasing the number of Roma working in public administration. According to research by the EU SILC MRK, as many as 85% of households from marginalized Roma communities are endangered by poverty.
Eight parties embraced pro-Roma memorandum
24. 02. 2020 15:01 | News
Mojmir Prochazka, Photo: TASR