Obituary for Štefan Nosáľ

Obituary for Štefan Nosáľ

As traditional folk culture has been passed from generation to generation, it is impossible to talk about any specific artists or about any specific names. However, there is one name that is strongly tied to Slovak folklore, and that is Štefan Nosáľ. He was a founder, dancer, choreographer and long-time art director of Lúčnica, the Slovak National Folklore Ballet. He passed away on Saturday, 22nd July 2017, at the age of ninety. Listen to Zuzana Botiková talking about his life and legacy.

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Obituary for Štefan Nosáľ Máte problém s prehrávaním? Nahláste nám chybu v prehrávači.

Zuzana Botiková Foto: TASR,

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