National Convent: We are the European Union

National Convent: We are the European Union

What place is Slovakia taking within the European Union? What are the pros and cons of membership for this country and is it depriving us from state sovereignty?

These and other questions are being discussed at Bratislava Castle in the capital. The National Convent - a public discussion with the Slovak politicians should increase the awareness of inhabitants about the European Union.

The economic and migration crises or Brexit weakened the confidence of people in the European Union. This results into a rise of populistic tendencies that question the existence of the membership in the EU28 format. For this reason, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Slovakia set a debate - the National Convent - under the heading, We are the EU. The State Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ivan Korčok.

"We are convinced that the European Union is simply good for Slovakia. However, if people do not understand something or have a feeling that the Union is not proceeding well in some areas, we want to hear it from them. We do not like to resolve problems only in Brussels. Here, in Bratislava, we are having the kick-off, I hope successfully. Than we embark towards the rest of Slovakia."

The politicians wish to hear the thoughts of students, scientists, businesspersons as well church representatives and non-governmental organisations on Slovakia's membership in the European Union. Through this, a public debate in the society should be spurred. The first speakers at the debate in Bratislava were President Andrej Kiska, Parliament Chief Andrej Danko and Prime Minister Robert Fico.

In his speech, President Kiska stressed that in the public debate about Slovakia's EU membership, there is focused propaganda involved in supporting nationalistic or extreme political movements. This is how politics finds itself influenced in public opinion. The Parliamentary Chief Andrej Danko appealed that it is necessary to think about what kind of competencies should be delegated to Brussels and that the Union should return to its bases; which is a ministry to the people. Premier Robert Fico sees its priorities as being in the fields of defence and security, with him believing the place of Slovakia is in the EU and at its core.

After the Bratislava National Convent, politicians aim to take the debate to the seven regions in Slovakia.

Elena Seeber, Foto: TASR

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