Members of the Judicial Council want to dismiss its chairman

Members of the Judicial Council want to dismiss its chairman

Members of the Judicial Council of the Slovak Republic propose the dismissal of Ján Mazák as its chairman. They argue that it is a gross misuse of his position for unauthorized collection of information against judges. “He misused the Judicial Council's search section as his private detective service, collecting information on selected judges at his illegal direction," the plaintiffs allege. They also talk about Mazák’s instructions to check the judge's financial situation right after she decided to ground the helicopter of the Ministry of Interior.

"Everyone that has a motion filed against them that interferes with their position, especially public position, has the right to comment on the motion within a reasonable period of time, and thus apply their right to defence," said Mazák on why he did not include the proposal in the fourth session of the Judicial Council, which will begin Tuesday, the 16th of April.

Mazák faced a proposal to remove him as the Chairman of the Judicial Council at the end of 2023. At that time, nine members of the council voted for the proposal. It wasn't enough to get him removed. Three members then abstained from voting, three were against. Ján Mazák, will include the proposal for his removal as the Chairman of the Judicial Council at its May session. He considers the accusations untrue.

Patrícia Polakovičová, Photo: TASR

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