Vlado Meller is a Slovak

Vlado Meller is a Slovak

The album Fijacion oral Vol. 1 or Oral Fixation Vol. 1. released in 2005, won two Latin Grammys for the best album and best engineered album in 2006. Many people might not know that this album by pop diva Shakira was engineered by a Slovak. Born in Humenne, Vlado Meller was later studying in Prague when he decided to flee the then Czechoslovakia. In New York, he was lucky enough to get a job he has loved ever since. „Mastering has a longevity. I don’t know any other job which lasts for over 50 years and can still be successful,“ he said in the interview for Radio Slovakia International in April, 2023, in Bratislava.

Vlado Meller is Slovak Máte problém s prehrávaním? Nahláste nám chybu v prehrávači.

The song Cry by Slovak duo Lash&Grey from their album “Blossoms of Your World” was released in 2021. The album became the Slovak album of the year as voted by Czech Music Academy experts in 2022. Kristin Lash and Jakob Grey talked to RSI about their collaboration with Vlado Meller in 2022.

Lash and Grey on their cooperation with Vlado Meller Máte problém s prehrávaním? Nahláste nám chybu v prehrávači.

Martina Šimkovičová, Photo: Vlado Meller archive

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