Culture News Week 34

Culture News Week 34

First ever female Slovak Press Photo Laureate
Photographer Dorota Holubova has become the first female winner of the Slovak Press Photo Grand Prix. Her picture entitled „Screaming and crying activists“ winning the title in 2023 depicts the protest held in support of the rights of the LGBTQI+ community. The event was organised as a reaction to the terrorist attacks on Zamocka street where a student shot dead two members of the community, Juraj Vankulič and Matúš Horvát. The expert jury consisted of Maral Deghati, managing editor for News Photography at Getty Images, Espen Rasmussen, a photo editor / online producer in The Hub in VG, the Norway’s leading daily newspaper, Alexander Chekmenev, the Ukrainian photographer of the year 2013,  Jindřich Štreit, a Czech photographer, university professor, curator and organizer of cultural projects and Jana Hojstričová, a photographer and teacher at the Academy of Fine Arts in Bratislava. The winning photography under the title „Screaming and crying activists“ can be seen on the web of the competition

Humour in Kremnica goes on
43rd year of the Kremnicke gagy or Kremnica gags festival opens on Friday in this Central Slovak town. The multigenre festival has received the prestigious label of the Europe for festivals-Festivals for Europe granted to remarkable arts events by the European Festivals Association, underscoring its sophisticated fun. Academy of humour awards the top endeavour with the prestigious „Golden gunner“ prize. It also comments on the latest developments and presents the counter-prize „The hit goose“ for the achievement that makes humorists lose their mind. The festival includes the Museum of kitsch and the Street of unique noses remembering great late personalities with a great sense of humour. This year, the festival ends on Sunday, 27th August.

Exploring sound in Pezinok
The Slovak National Gallery venue in Pezinok, Schaubmar’s mill, western Slovakia, will host the Mela festival over the upcoming weekend. Under the title I’M THE PLACE, the international and interdisciplinary event brings together artists and researchers with a unique relationship to the sites of their long-term research. It will be possible to hear music from Brazil as well as an extensive sound archive of birds singing. Inviting us to the festival is sound artist and designer Tomáš Prištiak:

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Martina Šimkovičová, Photo: SNG/Šimon Parec

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