Culture News Week 36

Culture News Week 36

Salamander in Banská Štiavnica

The annual event known as Salamander starts on Thursday, 7 September, in the central Slovak town of Banská Štiavnica. Through Saturday, 9 September, the Mining Museum will present mining traditions that made the town one of the industrial centres of the Austro-Hungarian monarchy. The festival of mining culture starts with Šachtág, a ceremony with an international participation for the admission of miners to the miners' guild. Only songs that originate in Banská Štiavnica and that are still sung in different versions in other European countries are sung at this event. The community’s top event is the Salamander march through the streets of the city centre which is on UNESCO’s world cultural heritage list. It will be held on Saturday, 9 September.

451˚ in Prešov

A fusion of literature, art and music. That’s how organisers define the 451 degrees Literature festival in Prešov. This coming Saturday and Sunday, the event will see the launch of a book on Lunik IX in Kosice, the largest housing estate with a Roma population in Slovakia or a new book by popular author Dusan Taragel entitled Mafianske balady or Mafia ballads. The event will feature concerts by the Czech band MIŠTES fusing Roma, Jewish and jazz music as well as by the Slovak band Posledné decembrové dni.

30 years of Slovak design in Marseille

The Slovak Design Centre and Slovak Design Museum, in co-operation with the Slovak Institute in Paris and Cité Radieuse Collective will open a show presenting 30 years of Slovak design. The selection of product and communication design works by over 40 artists has the ambition to accentuate aesthetic qualities, timeless design and reaction to the development of society. The exhibition entitled „Transmodernité“ will open in Marseille on Tuesday, 12 September.

Slovak art of graphic novels in Brussels

David Marcin, an illustrator and author of comic books for children, youth and adults, will take part in the international BD Comic Strip Festival in Brussels from 8 to 10 September 2023.

David-Marcin_Brussels Máte problém s prehrávaním? Nahláste nám chybu v prehrávači.

Konvergencie in Bratislava

The Konvergencie festival of chamber music starts in Bratislava as of Sunday, 10 September. Over the next two weeks, the event will feature works by Laszlo Ligeti, Benjamin Britten, Francis Poulenc and Darius Milhaud among others.

Martina Šimkovičová, Photo:D. Marcin,, Salamander

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