At the beginning of October 2023, the Slovak Radio Gallery opened an exhibition that pays tribute to the late Erik Binder, an artist. Until 24 November, it is possible to see his works along with artworks by Ján Bátorek, Stano Černý, Andrej Dúbravský, Peter Kalmus, Otis Laubert and Ildikó Pálová in the premises of the upside-down-pyramid building in Bratislava. In addition, the works of these artists can also be seen overseas as part of the largest collection of Slovak contemporary art in the US. Its founder, curator and collector Lee Karpiscak has the story.
Lee Karpiscak Máte problém s prehrávaním? Nahláste nám chybu v prehrávači.
Martina Šimkovičová, Photo: Galéria Slovenského rozhlasu archív