Katarína Blažová about Marko Blažo

Katarína Blažová about Marko Blažo

Paying tribute to International Women’s Day in 2024, we were speaking to a female artist in the Slovak National Gallery, which has been run by a female general director for over 24 years. 16 February, it opened the first ever exhibition located in the so-called bridge part of its premises in Bratislava following its 21 years of reconstruction work. The solo exhibition entitled “Marko Blazo: The Whole Human” is presenting the work of this late artist, a significant figure from the generation that entered the scene in the 1990s. Divided into three parts, the display sheds light on his recurrent motifs, small drawings as well as his monumental work. Speaking about his work and life is his mother, a significant artist herself, Katarina Blazova.

Katarína Blažová about Marko Blažo Máte problém s prehrávaním? Nahláste nám chybu v prehrávači.


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Martina Šimkovičová Greňová, Photo: TASR

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