Gen Z inspired plays at DPOH Theatre in Bratislava

Gen Z inspired plays at DPOH Theatre in Bratislava

In the show we are going to introduce you to a play from the series “Generation Z”, performed in the Pavol Országh Hviezdoslav Theatre in Bratislava. The last piece of the trilogy is entitled “Fantomas”. You are going to hear members of the team talking about the play that portrays the issues with which Gen Z is dealing, what inspired them and how much of the play is actually based on real life.

Fantomas Máte problém s prehrávaním? Nahláste nám chybu v prehrávači.


FANTOMAS_foto-Lubos-Kotlar-2-1-scaled.jpg FANTOMAS 1.jpg FANTOMAS_foto-Lubos-Kotlar-4-scaled.jpg FANTOMAS_foto-Lubos-Kotlar-9-scaled.jpg
Patrícia Polakovičová, Photo: Ľuboš Kotlár

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