Romani literary scene in Slovakia and abroad

Romani literary scene in Slovakia and abroad

Romani literature is slowly but steadily carving out its place on both, the global and Slovak literary scene. In the interview with Sofia Zahova from the University of Iceland in Reykjavik, we uncover the specifics of Romani literature. Sofia defines Romani literature, highlighting prominent Slovak Romani authors alongside those from Serbia and the Czech Republic. The interview is accompanied by two samples of Romani fairy tales by Milena Hübschmanová and Elena Lacková.

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“My short definition is that Romani literature is literature or publications produced in Romani language or for Romani audience among others. This is a really broad definition, but if we look at historical and contemporary development of Romani literature, it looks very well because, of course, many Roma authors would write on a Roma topic.” (Sofia Zahova)

Kamila Galjuš, Foto: TASR

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