Slovak film "Ema a smrtihlav" nominated for Oscars

Slovak film "Ema a smrtihlav" nominated for Oscars

The historical drama Ema a smrtihlav by Iveta Grófová will represent Slovakia at the 97th Academy Awards. The Slovak Film and Television Academy (SFTA) chose the film from ten submissions as the country's official Oscar entry. PR manager Petra Žinčíková confirmed that the announcement was made during the closing ceremony of the Cinematik film festival in Piešťany. "This year, 111 members of SFTA voted, and the result was incredibly close, with the winner decided by just one vote," said SFTA director Katarína Krnáčová. The film, based on a novel by Peter Krištúfek, is set during the Slovak wartime state. It follows Marika, a Hungarian seamstress, who struggles with anti-Semitism and war tensions while hiding a Jewish boy from the Nazis and the Hlinka Guard. The lead roles are played by Alexandra Borbély, Milan Ondrík, and Nico Klimek.

Source: TASR

Patrícia Polakovičová, Photo: TASR

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