The oldest European marathon turns 100. It takes place in Košice

The oldest European marathon turns 100. It takes place in Košice

The Košice Peace Marathon is an annual road marathon held in eastern Slovakia, since 1924. Not even the torments of war or the Covid-19 pandemic could stop it, and its continuity has been preserved. In an interview for Radio Slovakia International, the director of The Košice Peace Marathon Branislav Koniar tells us what changed during the hundred years since the first year of the marathon.

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This year has certainly been very interesting and very dramatic in terms of racing. In terms of public interest, it was very good for us. In addition to the race itself, we also prepared a number of accompanying programmes and activities that reflected the centenary history of the marathon, whether it was the aforementioned book or the film by Peter Kerekeš. A commemorative stamp and a commemorative coin were also issued. All of these activities attracted attention, and we can certainly be satisfied with this year.

Branislav Koniar, Košice Peace Marathon director

Kamila Galjuš, Photo: TASR

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