My Slovakia – Eighth round

My Slovakia – Eighth round

In this round of the competition series "My Slovakia", you will take on the role of sports fans, for whom cheering for "their Slovakia" is a matter of the highest importance. Join Zuzana Botiková on her quest to find traces of Slovak sport in the FIFA World Football Museum in Zürich, Switzerland.

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First, listen carefully to the feature then send us the correct answer to the question you will find at the end. There are cool Slovak prizes waiting for you!

My Slovakia - Round 8 - Slovak football Máte problém s prehrávaním? Nahláste nám chybu v prehrávači.

And now the competition question:

What highlight from Slovak football history is shown in one of the museum's interactive stations?

You can send in your answer until the 31st of October either by email to or via regular post to:

Radio Slovakia International

Mytna 1,

P.O BOX 55,

Bratislava 817 55,


The winner of this round will be announced on Sunday, the 5th of November.


Zuzana Botiková, Photo: AP/SITA/Zuzana Botiková

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