Košice – The European Capital of Culture 2013 - Fourth Round

Košice – The European Capital of Culture 2013 - Fourth Round

Welcome to the last  round of our competition dedicated to European capital of culture Kosice.

As you already know after every round a competition question awaits, and the lucky winner that is drawn from the RSI hat, can expect some of the amazing prizes we have prepared - whether it’s a book, some traditional folklore handcrafts, or a CD. Please note that the competition is only open to people who live outside of Slovakia. In the third part of the competition we will reveal number one places you should visist while being in Kosice. So, get your pen and paper ready!

Click on the audio file below and listen for the answer to our competition question:

What is the name of the award that Košice received from the European Commission?

EHMK-4 Máte problém s prehrávaním? Nahláste nám chybu v prehrávači.

Your answers must be in before the 31st of  December, and you can send them to
Radio Slovakia International
English Section
Mýtna 1
P.O. BOX 55
Bratislava 817 55
or via our e-mail address, which is: englishsection@slovakradio.sk

Good  luck!

Lucia Pazičová

Živé vysielanie ??:??

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