Competition SNP 80 – Pt. 2

Competition SNP 80 – Pt. 2

Take part in our competition. This year, the topic will be the 80th anniversary of the Slovak National Uprising.

Two Jews of Slovak origin Alfréd Wetzler and Rudolf Vrba escaped a concentration camp on 7 April 1944. They have written an account of the executions and inhumane conditions in the camp that has literally went around the world. Where was the concentration camp that Alfred Wetzler and Rudolf Vrba escaped from located?

To answer this question, listen to the first part of our competition series. If you answer correctly, you can win a nice present from us!

Competition Pt. 2 Máte problém s prehrávaním? Nahláste nám chybu v prehrávači.

Send your answer by the end of July to our email address or you can mail your answer to our address:

Slovenský rozhlas
Radio Slovakia International,
Mýtna 1, PO Box 55
817 55, Bratislava

The winner of the second round of our competition is Roger Tidy from the UK. Congratulations!
Jozef Bohunický, Martin Bednárik, Photo: TASR

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