MFA hands diplomatic note on COVID-19 to British Embassy

MFA hands diplomatic note on COVID-19 to British Embassy

The Slovak Foreign and European Affairs Ministry has handed a diplomatic note to the British Embassy in Bratislava, that includes detailed epidemiological data on the current situation in Slovakia in connection with the COVID-19 pandemic, TASR learnt from head of the ministry's press department, Juraj Tomaga, on Tuesday.

Slovakia has thus fulfilled its agreement from last week when Foreign Affairs Minister Ivan Korcok (a Freedom and Solidarity/SaS nominee) asked the British Minister for the European Neighbourhood for British epidemiologists to observe the latest data and cancel mandatory quarantine for travellers coming from Slovakia. "The Foreign Affairs Ministry expects an objective evaluation of the pandemic situation in Slovakia," said Tomaga.

According to the ministry, Britain will revise its list of low-risk countries in next few days. "We view it as unjustified for Slovakia to be a safe travel destination for British citizens when travellers from Slovakia have to undergo quarantine in the United Kingdom," added Tomaga.

Romana Grajcarová, Photo: TASR

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