The first aid to maintain employment will continue next year

The first aid to maintain employment will continue next year

The financial aid for companies and the self-employed to maintain employment will be paid until the end of the year, the Government decided on Wednesday, on the proposal of Labor Minister Milan Krajniak (We Are Family). The Labour Ministry estimated that another extension will cost 198 million euro. A permanent kurzarbeit - reduced working hours - is to be put in place afterwards. This decision will be made later this year. The Labor Ministry justifies the extension by the recent developments in the epidemiological situation in Slovakia, with the re-introduction of anti-pandemic measures also making the situation more difficult. According to Minister Krajniak, the data provided by labor offices prove an interest in this assistance. "We know the number of applications that have been submitted and rejected. To date, we have paid out already 578 million euro," Krajniak said after the Government session.

Zuzana Botiková, Photo: TASR

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