New government body for the European Green Deal established in Slovakia

New government body for the European Green Deal established in Slovakia

The Council of the Government of the Slovak Republic for the European Green Deal will be a new advisory, coordinating and initiative body of the Government of the Slovak Republic for issues related to the European Green Deal. The cabinet approved its establishment, proposed by the Ministry of the Environment at its Wednesday session.

The Council of the Government for the Green Deal should coordinate activities and cooperation of ministries, local governments and other state administration bodies. It should also discuss steps and monitor progress towards strategic goals. It will also ensure the coordination of sectoral policies and monitor the implementation of and compliance with the transition to a carbon-neutral economy.

It should be composed of the Chairman of the Board, represented be the Minister of the Environment, five Vice-Chairmen, members of the Board and the Secretary. Other member of the Council will be composed of representatives of the third sector, employers, unions, academy of sciences, etc.

"Given the fundamental impact of the European Green Deal and its complex and cross-cutting nature, its implementation at Member State level will require coordination and involvement of all components and actors of society, as well as cooperation at international level," says the Ministry of Environment.

The Council will prepare and present solutions to avert and mitigate the impacts of the climate crisis and measures to protect the endangered environment and habitats. It should meet every three months, while its resolutions will be of a recommendatory nature to the government.

Romana Grajcarová, Photo: TASR

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