Junior coalition partner in trouble

Junior coalition partner in trouble

The damage has been done, the milk is spilt, the party is broken, junior coalition For the People party chairwoman Veronika Remisova said on Wednesday in connection with the situation in the party and the formation of a faction around Justice Minister Maria Kolikova.

The For the People Party has long been facing internal conflicts, with several members calling for an extraordinary congress and a change in the party leadership. After a recent meeting of the party presidium, a group around Justice Minister Maria Kolikova expressed its lack of confidence in Remisova. It spoke about creating a kind of faction or platform within the party and wanting a place in coalition talks. Remisova claims that Kolikova's group has started a war in the party and that fighting has also begun in the regions. She called this a coup tactic.

The chairwoman of the party does not see any point in convening an extraordinary congress, as a regular congress is planned for next year in August. However, she sees meaning in a deep intra-party discussion up to the level of districts and members of the party, and she also wants to initiate it. "If a congress should be convened, it should aim to maintain unity in the party. Kolikova's group left the meeting, slammed the door, announcing that it was forming a faction and that they want to negotiate with coalition partners individually. The damage has been done, the milk is spilt, the party is broken," said Remisova, adding that she does not see any meaning in further polarising and traumatising the party. When asked if the party could still be saved, she replied that she had not started this war by herself and that things could be put right if they were more focused on work and less on intrigue.

Veronika Remisova is firmly defending her own personal interests as chairwoman of the For the People party and investment and informatisation minister, said party vice-chairman Vladimir Ledecky on Wednesday. In explaining his position he said that if Remisova did care about the party, she would try to speak politely to the people in it. He noted that the current leader has had plenty of time to present a proposal for resolving the situation, but presidium meetings have been cancelled three times.

Source: TASR

Martina Šimkovičová, Photo: TASR

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