10 measures to reduce Slovakia's dependence on Russian oil

10 measures to reduce Slovakia's dependence on Russian oil

At the beginning of June, the European Union approved the sixth package of sanctions against Russia. They include, among other things, a ban on imports of Russian oil. Some of the countries that are most dependent on Russian energy sources have demanded an exemption. Among them are Slovakia or the Czech Republic. Russia announced on Friday the 17th of June that the country is cutting gas supplies to Slovakia by half. How to get rid of reliance and not put households at risk? Greenpeace – Slovakia has in this connection published a proposal for 10 actions to stop the use of Russian oil. They are also calling on the government to ask for a plan to decrease consumption instead of an exemption from the embargo. Marianna Palková talked to Dorota Osvaldová, climate campaign coordinator from Greenpeace Slovakia.

Russian oil and Slovakia Máte problém s prehrávaním? Nahláste nám chybu v prehrávači.

Marianna Palková, Photo: AP/TASR

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